The Call marks a serious turning point for child-star Abigail Breslin (that cute girl from Little Miss Sunshine and Signs). Breslin stars as Casey Wilson, a naive teenager, who after taken hostage by a madman, slowly comes into her own as a woman. Much like Casey's arc in the film, Breslin herself seems poised to transition from the cherub-cheeked roles of yesteryear to more serious adult fare. Just one look at her upcoming slate of films is ample evidence: Ender’s Game, Final Girl, Haunter, August: Osage County… With such an eclectic mixture of big budget, Oscar-bait, indie and genre horror films on the horizon, Breslin seems more than up for such a challenging transition.

In the following interview with Abigail Breslin, she discusses transitioning to more adult roles, the difficulties of acting in a trunk and her upcoming parts in both the big budget Ender’s Game & the indie horror Haunter. For the full interview, hit the jump.

Abigail Breslin Time Index:

  • 00:00 – Breslin on the difficulties of acting in trunk for The Call
  • 00:54 – Acting opposite someone who isn’t even present (Halle Berry on the phone in the call center)
  • 01:19 – How was working with Brad Anderson?
  • 01:47 – On transitioning to more adult roles
  • 02:25 – When picking roles, does she try to distant herself from the child parts she’s more known for?
  • 02:51 – On her role in Ender’s Game
  • 03:31 – On Vincenzo Natali’s (Cube) Haunter
