It's time for the Movie Trivia Schmoedown! On today’s match, Above The Line takes on Team Action in the finals of the 2017 Ultimate Schmoedown Tournament.


Each competitor gets eight questions with each question worth one point. The competitor will answer the question in as little time as possible before getting a 5 second countdown. If the competitor doesn’t get the answer right, no points will be awarded and the other competitor will not be able to steal the answer.


Each competitor gets six questions with each question weighted two points. Multiple choice is available but the answer will reduce the value to one point. If a competitor makes an incorrect guess their opponent may steal the question if they know the answer. If no multiple choice is offered, the opponent will not be able to utilize multiple choice. The opponent will be awarded two points if they steal and answer without multiple choice and one point if they steal and answer the multiple choice.


Betting round. Each competitor will be points and have to answer one question.


Speed round. Each competitor will have to answer questions as fast as they can. The competitor will buzz in and have 2 seconds to answer or they lose a point.


Each competitor will get three questions from a random selection of categories. Question number one is weighted 1 point. Question number two is worth 3 points. Question number three is worth 5 points. No stealing allowed.


In the event of a sudden death, a random question will be asked and the first competitor to answer correctly wins the Schmoedown. If the competitor answers incorrectly, they lose the Schmoedown.


  • NAME: Team Action
  • RECORD: 5-1 (2KO)
  • RANKED: #7
  • KNOWN FOR: Action/Adventure, Oscars, Annoying Everyone–
  • NAME: Above The Line
  • RECORD: 3-0 (1KO)
  • RANKED: #12
  • KNOWN FOR: 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, Current, Scaring Everyone
