The notion of putting animation together with the story of Anne Frank seems like a recipe for disaster, until you remember that not all animation is American 3D CGI.  There are other forms of animation, and Ari Folman has been working wonders with the artform with his last two features, Waltz with Bashir and The Congress.  With this in mind, it makes perfect sense for him to write and direct an animated feature based on the life and diary of Anne Frank.  Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl is usually required reading among kids in grade school, and Folman appropriately intends to make his movie an animated, family-oriented feature. Production is set to begin in the winter of 2014.

Hit the jump for more.

Folman tells THR:

“Bringing the Anne Frank Diary to all screens is a fantastic opportunity and challenge.  There is a real need for new artistic material to keep the memory alive for younger generations.”

I think as long as teachers keep assigning the book as recommended reading, it will keep the memory alive.  The potential for Folman's book is to provide a new way to teach the material, and provide a unique perspective.

According to THR, "The filmmakers have been granted complete access to all of the archives of the Anne Frank Fonds Basel, founded by Anne's father Otto Frank as well as to all the branches of the Anne Frank Fonds worldwide."

So the movie probably won't be this.
