Andy Serkis has appeared in some of recent history's biggest films, though audiences rarely get to see his face.  He turned in an iconic performance as Gollum in The Lord of the Rings films, is stealing scenes as Caesar in the new Planet of the Apes films, and even took on one of cinema's biggest monsters in Peter Jackson's King Kong remake.  If that wasn't good enough, Serkis is now working on a pair of highly anticipated films: Star Wars: Episode VII and Avengers: Age of Ultron.  While we don't know exactly what roles he'll be performing in either film just yet, Serkis recently commented on the type of work he'll be doing.  Hit the jump to see what he had to say.

Image via 20th Century Fox

In an interview with Variety, Serkis addressed his work in Avengers: Age of Ultron through his performance-capture studio and consulting company, The Imaginarium.  Here's the pertinent news:

You’re involved with both “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” and “Star Wars Episode VII.”

The Imaginarium is the performance capture consultant, and I’m playing a role (in both films). On ‘The Avengers,’ I’ve been working closely with Mark Ruffalo.

Will we actually see your face?

I’m not at liberty to mention. But it’s all the same to me. I’ve never drawn a distinction when playing a role, whether it be live action or performance capture. Acting is acting. It’s just basically what you wear to the set that’s different.

Mark Ruffalo has played the Hulk before. Why does he need coaching? 

Performance capture was used on the previous “Hulk,” but not to the same extent Mark is using it now. There are tools and ways of working with an actor that makes them feel that they own the character. And a character the size of the Hulk needs ownership, which Mark has now.

So while it makes sense that Serkis has been brought in to Avengers: Age of Ultron in a consulting manner, I'm curious to see just what role he'll be playing.  If Ruffalo really has ownership of the Hulk now, will he be the sole performer behind the big green monster?  Or does Joss Whedon have things in mind for the mighty Avenger that only Serkis, with all his years of experience, can pull off?  Maybe Serkis is taking on an entirely different role and is also acting in a consulting capacity while on set?  Unfortunately that's all still shrouded in mystery, so it looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer to know for sure.  I'm just happy that Serkis' talent continues to be showcased on bigger and bigger stages.
