Jackie Earle Haley Scream_Awards_2009.jpg

Just a few hours ago I was standing on the red carpet of Spike TV's 2009 Scream Awards. They're recording the show tonight and it airs Tuesday October 27th. Anyway, while on the red carpet I managed to get a number of interviews and one of them was with Jackie Earle Haley.

The reason getting to speak with Jackie was great is I was able to ask him directly about the rumor he's going to play Sinestro in director Martin Cambell's "Green Lantern".  If you missed the story, click here. But according to Jackie, tonight is the first he's heard of this rumor. Of course I tried to find out more by asking him if he'd screen tested for the part, but Jackie told me that wasn't true. Exactly what he had to say after the jump:

Before watching the interview...know I didn't have a camera person helping me tonight so if the framing isn't perfect...that's why.

Also, while Jackie says he hasn't been approached for the part, that doesn't mean he won't be down the road. It could be like he says at the end of the interview, "you guys are out in front of it and I don't know anything about it yet. If something comes up I'll let you know."

Jackie Earle Haley

  • Was he shocked to hear he was cast as Sinestro in Green Lantern? Says he just heard about it walking the red carpet
  • I ask if he was screen tested for the movie. He says no.
  • What is it like for him to be talked about for key parts in big movies
  • On set of Nightmare on Elm Street the makeup took a toll on him. Is he now excited to go back and play the role again if they make a sequel
  • I finally ask him if he is in Green Lantern or if it's a possibility. He says, "you guys are out in front of it and I don't know anything about it yet. If something comes up I'll let you know."