Two videos of James Cameron’s recent visit to the set of G4’s Attack of the Show are now available online.  In the first, Cameron discusses with AOTS co-host Kevin Pereira the theatrical re-release of Avatar which Pereira jokes he heard was “pretty good.”  For those of you who watch the show (I used to before my cable provider decided that G4 was a novelty only affordable to kings, queens, and insurance salesmen), you will recognize the second video as a “Gadget Pr0n” segment in which the Cameron-Pace 3D rig (which was used to create the “fusion 3D” featured in Avatar) is reviewed.  Spoiler alert: the rig receives “15 Seals of Approval out of 5.”

If you’re a fan of either Cameron or Attack of the Show, both videos are worth your time as (per usual for the show) they are both entertaining and informative.  Hit the jump to check out the videos and for an image of the Cameron-Pace 3D rig.


