I don't watch much TV.  I'm die-hard about a handful of shows, and if something I'm not watching really catches on, I'll get on board.  But one of my must-see shows of the fall is Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.  I don't expect it to be excellent right off the bat, but I like the premise and I'll watch anything if Joss Whedon's involved even if he's not the showrunner.  But he has become one of the go-to voices of the Marvel Movie (and now TV) Universe, and he recently talked about what he finds appealing about the series.

Hit the jump for more.  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premieres on Tuesday, September 24th at 8pm (EST).

Speaking to EW, Whedon says he likes that the show pays attention to the characters at the fringes of the superhero universe:

“This is basically a TV series of ‘The Zeppo’ [episode of Buffy], which was a very deliberate deconstruction of a Buffy episode in order to star the person who mattered the least,” Whedon says. “The people who are ignored are the people I’ve been writing as my heroes from day one. There’s a world of superheroes and superstars, they’re celebrities, and that’s a complicated world — particularly complicated for people who don’t have the superpowers, the disenfranchised. Now obviously there’s going to be hijinks and hilarity and sex and gadgets and all the things that made people buy the comics. But that’s what the show really is about to me, and that’s what Clark Gregg embodies: the Everyman.”

"The Zeppo" is one of my favorite episodes of Buffy, and I find Whedon's comments encouraging.  Yes, the superheroes may drive the plot, but if you want to see Iron Man or Captain America doing their thing, you can go to the movies.  I like that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has the potential to make the Marvel Cinematic Universe even bigger by shining a spotlight on the outsiders.  September 24th can't get here soon enough.
