Katie Anne Naylon worked as a phone-sex operator. Let’s get that out of the way upfront.  From that experience, she co-wrote (alongside star Lauren Miller) the upcoming For A Good Time, Call…: a light bubble-gum comedy that fully embraces the inherent silliness to oohing and ahhing into a phone to make money.  The film uses such a wanton backdrop to explore the bond and closeness of a burgeoning female friendship.  Guys, for the most part, are a secondary concern in the film – voices over a phone to be exploited for their bank account.  It’s a film that attempts to de-stigmatize the ‘lewdness’ of the phone-sex trade – because at the end of the day both parties come out happy, be it sexually or financially.  In the eyes of the film - it’s a win-win situation.

In the following interview with Naylon, she discusses her background as a phone-sex operator, the rewriting process on For A Good Time, Call…, and her future projects in development on TV.  For the full interview, hit the jump.  For A Good Time, Call… opens this Friday.

Katie Anne Naylon:

  • 00:00 – Katie Anne Naylon on the co-writing process between her and Lauren Miller
  • 00:48 – On the differences between writing for a character based on herself versus a character made up
  • 01:13 – On how her advertising background has influenced her approach to screenwriting
  • 01:30 – On the rewriting process for For A Good Time, Call…
  • 02:15 – On her background as a phone-sex operator
  • 03:09 – On future projects – particularly in the television realm

for a good time call poster