With writer-director J.J. Abrams Super 8 now playing, I was recently able to interview the cast in London for our partners at Omelete.  While Abrams likes to keep his films under wraps while they’re in production, by now you know Super 8 takes place in the summer of 1979 and it’s about a group of friends that discovers something not from this world while making a super 8 film.  Mix in that it’s produced by Steven Spielberg, uses his Amblin logo (which should clue you into what kind of movie this is), and you’re got a great coming-of-age story that I think audiences are going to love.

During my interview with Kyle Chandler we talked about keeping the secrets of Super 8, what was it like to work for Abrams and with the kids, the emotional voyage and what the film is really about, does he have a favorite early 80's film like The Goonies or Stand By Me, the Amblin logo, and a lot more.  Hit the jump to watch.

Kyle Chandler

  • What was more challenging: filming the movie or keeping the secrets
  • Did they ever ask him not to talk about the movie
  • Talks about working for Abrams and the kids. Talks about the emotional voyage and what the film is really about
  • The Amblin logo
  • Does he have a favorite early 80's film like The Goonies or Stand By Me
  • What is he thinking about doing in the future? More TV or movies…