I try to watch as many movies as I can ever year, and the odd record-keeper in me likes to keep track of them.  For the past several years, I've kept a yearly movie journal, which lists what movies I saw on which date.  A couple years ago, I decided to visualize that journal by taking an image from each movie and placing chronologically into a collage (the images were selected from what was available through Google Images).  Last year, I didn't do it because my computer crashed and I lost my journal.  But now I use Letterboxd, which is an online way of keeping track of what you've watched.  It's a terrific site for anyone who loves movies because it also allows you to write and share reviews, and follow other cinephiles.  If you want to keep up with me on Letterboxd, click here.

Hit the jump to check out the collage of the 385 films I watched this year, and I hope you have a great 2014 that's filled with fantastic movies.


[Note: There are 385 images, but slightly fewer than 385 movies since I watched some titles more than once]