We asked for it, and our voices were heard: Frank Castle is locked and loaded and returning to Netflix in his own Punisher spin-off series. Jon Bernthal’s take on the iconic character was a breakout in Daredevil Season 2, and ever since then fans have been wondering if we would see a series devoted to him. The day has come!

EW is reporting that writer and executive producer Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal — always an excellent sign) will act as showrunner for the new series. Though we have no idea what the timeline will be or what this means for the timeline of the other Netflix-Marvel collaboration series (or whether or not the Punisher will appear in The Defenders, which will start filming later this year), it’s shaping up to sound like a pretty great thing. Check out Netflix’s new teaser for it below:


Now, since we’re in full speculation mode, what would you like to see from this series? And do you think it should follow the typical 13-episode Netflix format, or be something shorter, more like a miniseries that follows a more contained arc? Further, what stories from the comics would you like to see broached, and what other Marvel characters would you like to see make an appearance? Will he meet Archie?! So many questions! So many possibilities!

Let us know what you think in the comments, and we’ll update this post with more info as we know it. EW believes Netflix will be announcing this all officially later today, so we may get a few more tidbits then.

Image via Marvel/Netflix

Image via Netflix
Image via Netflix
Image via Marvel