When news broke in March that Arrow's Stephen Amell would be joining Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (during his break from being a DC hero), he commented on Twitter: "somebody find me a hockey mask!" Well, the mask has been found and now donned, as Michael Bay has shared the first picture of Amell as Casey Jones:


Paramount's sequel is being directed by Dave Green (Earth to Echo), and it has been confirmed that Megan Fox will be returning as April O'Neil. Amell's character Casey Jones ends up becoming an ally to both the turtles and to O'Neill, and since it was reportedly Amell's chemistry with Fox that landed him the job, expect some romancey stuff between them in the movie.

Speaking of O'Neil and romance, I'll leave you with a TMNT joke:

April O'Neil tells her friend she slept with Michelangelo.

The friend is disgusted and horrified.

"Why?" April asks. "Is it because he's a turtle?"

"No," the friend says. "Because he's a teenager."

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 is slated for release on June 3, 2016.

Image via Paramount