Written by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub

It all comes down to the script.

No matter how many special effects a movie has. No matter which actor is the star. If you have a bad script, chances are you’ll have a bad movie.

And that’s the reason all of us should be thankful for the great work Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman did in writing the "Star Trek" script. While they had everything stacked against them in making this movie work for both the fans and non fans of “Trek”, they hit a Barry Bonds steroids using home-run, and it’s still flying in the air.

Since many of you have now seen director J.J. Abrams reboot of “Star Trek”, I figured it’s safe for me to post the interview I did with Roberto and Alex.

The main reason I waited was….we talked about something in the movie that I didn’t want to spoil. So if you still haven’t seen “Star Trek” and want to be spoiler free….only watch the first part of the interview. You are warned.

For me the highlight of our interview was I asked their thoughts on CBS/Paramount doing a new “Star Trek” TV show anytime soon. I also asked them if they’d want to do the show themselves. Since they're very involved in “Fringe”, I figured it was a good question.

Since the interview ran a bit long, I broke it up in two parts. And if you missed them talking about “Fringe” and “Cowboys and Aliens”, just click the links.

And I'm on Twitter.

Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman

· How does it feel to have so many people saying great things about the film

· What are their thoughts of CBS/Paramount doing a new Star Trek TV show

· We talk about the Justice League movie and how that was shut down

· I ask if they would ever consider working on a weekly Trek show

· What do they think of Trek fans that refuse to accept a reboot

· Who came up with the alternate timeline idea

· How nice is it to be able to talk about Star Trek as it has been so secretive

· Have they adopted the J.J. Abrams mantra of secrecy all the time – they talk about what happened to them on the first Transformers movie

Part 1

Part 2