Written by Matt Goldberg
Whatever you may feel about her acting ability (as previously stated, I feel that Johansson is as good as the material and direction she's given), most can agree that Scarlett Johansson is a very attractive young woman and that no one should object to her strapping into the skin-tight leather of the Russian spy Natasha Romanoff aka "Black Widow" for "Iron Man 2".

In addition to the Mickey Rourke casting she reported earlier today, Nikki Finke's Deadline Hollywood Daily is reporting that Johansson has signed on to the upcoming summer blockbuster, replacing Emily Blunt who ran into a scheduling conflict with her upcoming film, "Gulliver's Travels". Finke also reports Blunt didn't drop out by choice but because Fox exercised an option from her "Devil Wears Prada" contract. Those Fox guys: they're a bunch of charmers.

Finke also reports that Johansson is getting the Samuel L. Jackson deal of a lower-payments spread out over loads of films, most notably "The Avengers" which also has Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. already on board. So here's hoping that Johansson is really good in "Iron Man 2" because we're gonna keep seeing her asthe sexyRussian spy.

Click here to know that being sexy couldn't save "The Spirit".