
It looks like Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins were so appalled by "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" that they no longer want to have anything to do with even the planet the film is on.*  So they're headed to Mars for Andrew Stanton's ("WALL-E") adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs "John Carter of Mars".While Disney probably has the money to actually film on Mars, they're going to film on an Earth-based locale that has the same average intelligence as the Martian populace: Utah.**

According to THR, Kitsch will play John Carter, a civil war who veteran finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars, where his involvement with warring races of the dying planet force him to rediscover his humanity.  Collins has been cast Dejah Thoris, the heir to the throne of Mars' Helium kingdom.  It is a grand kingdom and one where everyone talks like a member of the Lollipop Guild.

With Stanton at the helm, this film could signal a long stay on the top of A-list for Kitsch which is great because I love the guy on "Friday Night Lights" and he was one of the few not-soul-crushingly-terrible aspects of "Wolverine".

*Yes, that film is now my own personal whipping boy.  I hold grudges.

**Come back tomorrow to see if I insult your entire state!