Arrested Development was a pretty strong series right from the start, but when it started throwing in strange guest stars like Carl Weathers, the show began to morph into something really special.  We saw the show's versatility in how it could take Hollywood Squares-level celebrities, and still play off a vague sense of familiarity but with enough room to be strange and satirical.  Some series make that one aspect the entire basis for the comedy, but it's just one of many tricks in the show's bag (I'm sorry, "illusions" in the show's bag).  Thankfully, Carl Weathers and his financial wisdom will be returning for the show's upcoming fourth season.  "All the old friends are back. Carl Weathers is back," David Cross told Vulture last night.

The old friends returning for the fourth season also include Judy Greer, Henry Winkler, Scott Baio, Mae Whitman, Jeff Garlin, and Liza Minnelli.  There's still no word on Justin Grant Wade (Steve Holt!).  Arrested Development will premiere on Netflix in spring 2013.  Hit the jump if you didn't understand the headline of this article.
