Amazon has released the first clip from Borat Subsequent Moviefilm. The sequel has Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) once again traveling through America, but this time there’s the pandemic and he also has a daughter. Expect plenty of unsuspecting people to get clowned.

Details on the plot remain scarce, and given the surprises Cohen likely has in store, folks would be wise to watch this film as soon as possible so that nothing gets spoiled on social media. However, this first clip was largely alluded to in the trailer where Borat’s daughter eats a cupcake too fast, eats the plastic figurine of a baby on top, and so they go to a “pregnancy crisis center” (places that pretend to be for women’s health, but then try to dissuade them from having abortions) to get the baby out of her.

I rewatched the original Borat last night, and I was surprised at how well it held up. We’re still fighting the same culture wars from 2007, and the Borat character, arguably more than any of Cohen’s other creations, seems best suited to point out that idiocy and hypocrisy. For Cohen, humor is the best way to get people’s attention. This clip takes a real issue—what if a daughter were raped by her father and wanted to get an abortion only to be contradicted by a male pastor—and instead goes for dark comedy where Borat and his kid are trying to get a plastic figurine removed, but presenting their case as something far more sinister so we can see how the pastor responds. Comedy sequels are notoriously difficult, but judging by this clip, Cohen seems to be on the right track for pulling it off.

Check out the Borat Subsequent Moviefilm clip below. The film arrives on Amazon Prime Video on Friday.