A new clip from Roman Polanski’s comedy Carnage has been released. Based on the play God of Carnage, the film tells the story of two sets of parents who meet to settle a dispute between their children. The cast is spectacular—Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz, Jodie Foster, and John C. Reilly—and this is Polanski’s first foray into comedy. This clip centers on the parents getting to the crux of their meeting, as they’re hashing out why their children were fighting in the first place. Reilly is great here as he keeps getting sidetracked by bragging about a fight he had when he was a kid, and Foster keeps trying to reign him back in. I’m really looking forward to seeing the interplay between the quartet of actors when the film hits theaters.

Hit the jump to watch the clip. Carnage opens on December 16th.

Here’s the clip (via Twitch):