E3 is all about the latest and greatest in the world of videogames, but to really appreciate what we have now, it is always great to see where it all came from.  One of my favorite things to check out at E3 is the vintage gaming collection that continues to grow every year.  This year I made sure to take a bunch of pictures from the collection to share with you all.  Click on through to check out more on classic gaming and over 50 pictures from the E3 Vintage Gaming Collection to take you back to the past.

From original brown box home consoles to unreleased prototypes of experimental systems to some of the biggest names in gaming, E3's Vintage Gaming Collection is a time machine through the history of videogames.  With an entire section of classic consoles you can pick up and play, it is a great opportunity to try out some systems you may have missed or were just too expensive or rare.  For example, it is always a treat to check out the Atari Jaguar and its insane controller.  This year in particular, they seemed to showcase portable handheld games, like miniature Pac-Man cabinets.  I had a Ms. Pac-Man growing up and now these things are extremely hard to come by.  Another thing that caught my eye was the amount of tournament cartridges they had on display.  They had the ultra rare Nintendo World Championships in the gold and the grey variety, Star Fox Weekends, and even the Blockbuster Championship 2 SNES cart.  The last two brought back great memories for me since I won a sweet Star Fox t-shirt playing the former, and I was the Missouri State Champion on the SEGA version of the latter!

With brand new games literally in every square inch of the show floor, it is such a great idea to have a section dedicated to remembering the roots of the industry.  With arguments of whose console had better HD, motion controls, and voice commands, it is amazing seeing the simple nature of gaming that made us all fans of this whole thing in the first place.  Check out the photos below, take a trip down memory lane, and post in the comments some of your favorite classic gaming moments.