
Edward James Olmos took a few minutes to talk to us about being in the director's chair for the final one-off installment of the Battlestar Galactica series, The Plan, and to share words about his experience playing Adama. More after the jump:


QUESTION: What was it like to move into the director's chair for The Plan?

JAMES OLMOS: I loved it. I've been in the director's chair for Battlestar Galactica since its first season. I directed the only comedy that's ever been done in Galactica history. Then I went on to be able to understand a lot about the show by being thrown into The Plan. The Plan was probably the most prolific piece of work I've ever done. It started out being almost like a clip show where you show incidents happening and they don't connect, they're just things that happened in the show.  I turned it into a story and I think the story resonates very strongly. In the end, I think people will very grateful that I directed it.

Are you concerned about appeasing the fans or are you directing for what you want to see and hope people come around to that vision?

EJO: I think that most of the time you try to be objective in a very subjective medium. To the blink, you've got to pick. It's very subjective as a director. You try to stay objective to the material. You try to stay objective to the event that you're doing. Stay focussed on the story. The story is the issue. That's exactly what we are, we're storytellers. All I can say is I'm very honored and privileged to be inside of this industry. To be able to work on things like Battlestar and now Caprica, it's unbelievable.

Did you know going in that the fan response would be so huge to the character Adama?

EJO: I don't think anybody knows what's going to happen. It's a surprise to all of us. Success comes in a very very interesting way. Success is a matter of one's own feeling about oneself. The outside world could say you're fantastic and inside you feel like shit. Success to me was looking at the character and feeling that it was something that I was proud of. I created a real, living human being.  He was incredible. I really appreciate Adama.

How did playing Adama prepare you for your work as a director?

EJO: I think I know the story better than any director that's ever directed the movies. It's impossible for them to be on the same page as me. I don't care how great a director they are. They don't understand the nuances that I've been able to understand by being there every second of every shot I ever did. I know at least Adama very well. To say that I don't know Roslin or Colonel Tigh? That's impossible.