Written by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub

Just a few hours ago, Universal Home Video held a pretty nice party at the club Element (in Hollywood) to showcase their upcoming “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army” Blu-ray release.

While I haven’t watched the Blu-ray yet…based on what they showed us tonight, the disc is omfg. I mean it’s absolutely loaded with extras and tons of informative bits that show you how the special effects were done, how they made everything look so real, and I think by just watching this Blu-ray you could make your own Hellboy movie.

In the coming days Dellamorte will have a full review…but I can tell you right now it’s absolutely worth owning. Not only because the movie is good, but due to how much time and effort went into this Blu-ray.

Anyway, to help promote the upcoming release, Universal had a red carpet at the event and I was able to interview most of the cast and writer/director Guillermo Del Toro. In the next day or two I’ll have all the interviews posted…but the one I needed to get online immediately is the one with Jeffrey Tambor.

As most of you know, Jeffrey was on one of the best comedies I’ve ever seen on network TV. The show was called “Arrested Development” and no amount of superlatives can do the show justice. Let’s just say it was brilliant and move on.

Since the show was cancelled, rumblings of a feature film based on the show have been reported every time any of the stars does an interview. Almost always…the star in question says I’d love to do one, but I’m waiting to hear from creator Mitch Hurwitz.

Well…tonight is the night the story shifts into high gear!

On the red carpet, Jeffrey told me he just spoke to Mitch and the movie is a go! He says Mitch Hurwitz spoke to him this week and while he didn’t know when the start date was, he said, ”when the writer/director calls you it’s a pretty good sign.”

Since I know a lot of you are just as passionate about the show…here’s just the part of the interview where he talked about “Arrested Development”. Further down is the full interview and it’s really worth watching. We talked a lot about his recent appearance on “Entourage”, him wanting to work on “The Hobbit” with Guillermo and a lot more.

Look for the rest of the interviews in the next few days.

Jeffrey Tambor talks Arrested Development


Jeffrey Tambor - full interview

  • The interview started with Mike Mignola (Hellboy creator) giving him crap for making my interview with him end..
  • Entourage talk – he says he had no idea the show was so popular. Says he got more calls about being on that show than anything he’s ever been in
  • I ask him how much was improv
  • What was his favorite memory from the first Hellboy and the second Hellboy
  • He talks a lot about the practical effects of the Hellboy world
  • I ask if he’s been to New Zealand before and does he want to go….
  • And the highlight of this interview…he says the Arrested Development movie is a go!!!!
  • He says Mitch Hurwitz spoke to him this week. I ask if they have a start date and he didn’t know one…but he said, ”when the writer/director calls you it’s a pretty good