Earlier this year (the before times), Bong Joon-ho's incredible satire Parasite surprised us all by winning four Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director. It was a major victory for the excellent movie that followed a group of working-class grifters who ingratiate themselves to a rich family of callous morons. However, some may have bristled at a film with (gasp!) subtitles or watching a film that has no recognizable Western stars.

Thankfully, bar to entry has never been lower with Parasite as the Oscar-winning film arrives today on Hulu. The film is already relatable with its scathing critique of capitalism, but it's also oddly relevant as most of the action has people trapped in a house in one way or another, so while Parasite may not offer pure escapism, it's still a damn enjoyable movie that you won't soon forget.

And in a nice surprise, Hulu has added a few more Bong titles to their service as well. After you finish up with Parasite, you can check out Mother, The Host, and Barking Dogs Never Bite, and I for one will definitely be digging into those soon. While I wish Memories of Murder was also available, I get that NEON has picked that one up for theatrical re-release later this year and they don't want to hurt their box office receipts on that acquisition. But you can now settle in for a weekend full of Bong. Of the films that are available, I'd say Parasite is his most accessible, but there's really not a bad place to go with Bong Joon-ho. He's a master of his craft, and I'm glad that Hulu has provided a platform for more people to experience his work. Also, if your'e a die-hard fan of Bong, remember that Parasite will come to Criterion in the future, so you'll be able to get your bonus features fix.