The new game in the Life is Strange series, Life is Strange: True Colors, has arrived and proven to be the best entry since the original came out way back in 2015.

With choices that carry weight, an engaging mystery that stands on its own, fresh new powers that inform the theme of the story, more robust gameplay and well-rounded characters, True Colors shows the franchise still has plenty to offer when it goes in new directions.

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Breaking down all those directions and the various endings that can come out of playing this new entry is where a choice-based game like this derives much of its appeal. Seeing how a seemingly small dialogue option or choice could alter the entire course of the game rewards replayability for all who want to revisit the game to get a different outcome.

If that idea of going through the game speaks to you, whether for the first time or for a repeat to change the course of the narrative, you’ve come to the right place. This piece is going to lay out all the different endings you can get in the game, how to get them, and what they all mean. Be warned, this requires giving spoilers for the entire journey of the game and will give away some of the big revelations that took the story to unexpected new places.

Spoilers Ahead


As some background, True Colors is set in the new location of Haven Springs, Colorado. The game’s similarly new protagonist Alex Chen (voiced by an excellent Erika Mori) has traveled to the community in order to start over. Unfortunately, she won’t get long to enjoy her fresh start as tragedy soon strikes. She must heal from the sudden loss of her brother Gabe, whom she hadn’t seen for eight years and was just getting the chance to reconnect with. Alex must then figure out what happened in the suspicious accident that caused his death while interacting with the people of the town who all seem to have their own secrets they want to keep. It will be up to you to figure out who has the most to hide while forming a bond with this new community.

The main part of the game that has the most variability is not really about solving the mystery, but about winning over the people you meet. You will need to earn their trust in order to convince them of the deceit of one their own. It sounds easy enough, but requires interacting with characters in just the right way to ensure they feel they can count on you. Don’t worry about Steph, the most wholesome character of both this game and the prior prequel game Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, who will have your back no matter what.

Earning Duckie's Trust

Duckie dance

The lonely and eccentric Duckie is a mainstay of the town who is always looking for someone to talk to over a drink. In order to earn his trust, you’ll have to seek out a couple interactions with the bearded man.

First, in Chapter 1 "Side A," you’ll have to cover for Gabe’s shift at the town bar the Black Lantern that is owned by Jed Lucan. More on him later.

You will approach Duckie, who is sitting with company stooge Diane.The two will place orders with you and you’ll have to get them exactly right. Duckie’s order is a cheeseburger with mushrooms and a pie special with fries.

Even when you get that right, your work isn’t done as you will have to track down Duckie’s favorite brand of whiskey that has gone missing from behind the bar. You’ll find this in the room above the bar stuck between the couch cushions. You can bring it back downstairs and pour it for Duckie who will thank you graciously for your search.

Later, in Chapter 4 “Flicker,” you’ll need to leave the festival and come back to the bar where Duckie is sitting by himself. You will need to read his emotions to learn how he is still deep in mourning over the loss of his wife and see how the objects throughout the bar still carry echoes of his past. After that, you can put on a song he remembers and ask him to dance as a way to work through his loss. When he needs someone most, you become his support and he will return the favor when you too need someone in your corner.

Earning Charlotte's Trust


This is where things begin to get more complicated. Charlotte was Gabe’s longtime partner and is grieving after his loss while also being grateful that her son, Ethan, didn’t die as well. Navigating this will require a lot of emotional tact across multiple scenes and chapters.

In the aforementioned first chapter, Alex will be given the choice to reveal that Ethan is planning to go into the abandoned mine. You should tell Gabe about this as it will show Charlotte that you care about Ethan and don’t want to see him get hurt.

Next, in Chapter 2 “Lanterns,” Alex will need to talk with Charlotte at her dispensary. You will need to give her the advice to take the settlement from Typhon. It is a lot of money that could benefit Ethan and shows Charlotte the care Alex has for her son.

Later in that chapter, if you did reveal where Ethan was going, you can skip talking to him about what he is feeling. However, if you did not, you will need to track down Ethan by the water and read his emotions. You can then go back to his mother and tell her what is on his mind, showing that you can be trusted after initially not telling her where her son was going.

Lastly, in Chapter 3 “Monster Or Mortal,” Charlotte will be at her lowest point. It is tempting to have Alex choose to take some of her pain away, but do not do this. This will negatively impact Alex’s state of mind and hurt her other relationships as well as undercut the chance of getting Charlotte’s support later. It is a tough choice, but a necessary one.

Earning Ryan's Trust


This is perhaps the most fraught person you have to gain the trust of. Ryan ends up being most closely tied to the reveal at the end, so getting him to support you will be challenging, though it is important to do so in order to get the best ending. All of these steps with Ryan aren’t make or break, necessary actions to take. You can decide to romance Steph instead, if you wish, without losing Ryan’s favor though you’ll have to make sure to still be hitting the other points.

In the first chapter, Alex is out looking for Ethan with Ryan. In an empty building near the mine, Ryan will be fiddling with some wires and asks which one he should mess with. This is a timed dialogue option, so you’ll have to act fast and stay close by. You’ll tell him the red wire.

In chapter two, you’ll want to back up Ryan’s assertion that you heard Gabe make the call to stop the detonation. It is the first public test of the narrative that will be in contention later and it is important you stand beside Ryan at this moment.

Later in that chapter, Alex will reveal to Ryan that she has powers. After doing so, you’ll want to give him a hug to show appreciation for him listening to you.

In chapter three, pick Ryan as the one to distract Diane. This puts a lot of faith in his charms and him as a person in a crucial moment.

Later that chapter, remember to make sure you don’t take Charlotte’s pain from her. That will make Alex boil over and lash out in a fit of anger that causes her friends to leave.

In chapter four, give Ryan the rose at the festival. Later, meet him on the roof of your building and kiss him. It isn’t entirely necessary to choose him over Steph, though it does give you some breathing room.

Perhaps most crucially, in Chapter 5 “Side B,” Alex will have revealed that Ryan’s father Jed is behind all of the horrible events in the town, from Gabe’s death to the death of the miners years ago. Ryan will be reeling from all this information and is in a tough spot. He will have to choose between trusting Alex or his father.

When Alex approaches him after her big speech, it is absolutely necessary that she pick the right dialogue option. You should select “You believe me, right?” This leaves it up to Ryan as you are asking him for his support, which he will give you.

Earning Eleanor's Trust


Eleanor is a deeply tragic character whose mind is beginning to deteriorate. In order to ensure she trusts you, Alex will have to make a few specific choices that respects her wishes around her mental state.

In chapter two, Alex will have the choice about whether she will tell Eleanor about Gabe’s death, which she had forgotten. Rather than keep her in the dark, Alex must tell Eleanor the truth. It is a painful piece of information, though it is important not to lie to Eleanor about such an important subject.

In chapter three, during the LARP game being put on the cheer up Ethan, you can do a couple things. You can not talk to Riley, Eleanor’s granddaughter, at all by not visiting the flower shop. If you do decide to visit, you mustn’t tell Riley about her grandmother’s mental state as this will betray Eleanor’s trust in you.

Lastly, in chapter four, you can choose to not talk to Riley before she leaves for college. If you do decide to talk to her, you can bid her farewell but must remain silent about Eleanor.

Earning Pike's Trust


Last, and easiest, is dealing with Officer Pike. A cop who is not exactly on the straight and narrow, he will try to pressure you into remaining silent about the information you discover. Don’t worry, you can win him over if you make the right choice late in the game.

In chapter four, when given the option to sign an affidavit you should not give in and do so. Instead, you should pick the option to take away his fear. This is the primary thing that is causing him to act against you and when it is gone, he will turn over a new leaf.

The Various Ways the Story Can Come to a Close


After you interact with the town and see who is on your side, Alex will be given a series of choices for how she finally confronts Jed. It is a powerful scene with some variability in choices, with the biggest one coming to whether you choose to forgive or condemn him. No matter what you do, he breaks down at how thoroughly Alex rips open his cowardice and lays bare all his flaws as a man. It is a cathartic conclusion that makes excellent use of lighting and color to completely draw you into its every emotion. Though this is only the beginning of the end for Alex.

Once that is over, there are six different branching endings that can come about from your choices. The recommendations above were how to get the “good” ending. However, there is a lot of variety following that which doesn’t fall clearly into a “good” or “bad” category.

Regardless of whether you convince the town or not, which does alter the final choices slightly, Alex will have to make a choice about her future. Does she make a new life for herself in Haven or go out into the world? Will she take a new path with a romantic partner or blaze her own trail? The various permutations are interesting as they speak to her character and provide a lot of emotional heft in the final moments.

ENDING 1: Alex stays in Haven alone

This ending comes if you were not romancing either Steph or Ryan (also known as boring). Instead, Alex will fill Steph’s shoes at the record store after she leaves. It is the most lonely of endings, though one that focuses on Alex getting well-deserved peace even if it is by herself.

ENDING 2: Alex goes out into the world alone

Again, this ending comes if you weren’t a total flirt the whole game (my playthrough was very much about flirting with everyone) and you instead want to leave Haven by yourself. You’ll go off on a solo music career and, depending on who you win over, will be seen off by members of the town. It has the same focus on Alex as an individual though with the thrill of going out alone.

ENDING 3: Alex stays with Steph in Haven

An ending that comes from flirting with Steph before choosing to stay put, it is a sentimental and sweet conclusion that is shown as Alex looks ahead at what a life could be with Steph in Haven. It sees the two working together at the record store with their shared love of music and cringey dancing. It is low-risk, though still a heartfelt conclusion as the two get to spend the days with each other for company in the humble town they both found themselves drawn to.

ENDING 4: Alex goes out into the world with Steph

The ending that my first playthrough ended with, Alex and Steph will go out into the world to pursue a musical career. It makes sense with the duo’s shared passion for performing, something that Steph rekindled in Alex. It ends with Alex performing in her first solo show where she confidently introduces herself before it cuts to credits.

ENDING 5: Alex stays with Ryan in Haven

If you make the decision to flirt with Ryan, Alex will stay in the town with him. He will take over the Black Lantern and Alex will take over the record store after Steph leaves. Another quiet ending, it has an added degree of pain based on how Ryan came to learn about the treachery of his father and the harm he caused others.

ENDING 6: Alex goes out into the world with Ryan

If you romance Ryan and choose to leave Haven, you will all leave the town behind. Steph leaves as well, though she goes her own way. Alex will continue with her music amidst their travels as she and Ryan try to leave behind the painful past that they experienced in Haven.

These choices are based on what type of life you want to lead and a deeper philosophy about what you are here to do. Is life about living a safe, comfortable existence? Is it about taking a risk, knowing it may blow up in your face?

That theme is a tumultuous one that leaves the finale with a melancholic tone that resonated far behind the game’s central mystery. It makes Life Is Strange: True Colors a story that is worth revisiting and praising for its determination to dig deeper in its narrative.

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