Harry Potter, the beloved and famous movie franchise, has introduced magic lovers everywhere to the wonders of the Wizarding World. With some of the most popular and well-known characters coming from this mythical film series, there is also a surplus of magical creatures. From cute and fluffy to gross and slimy to whimsical and wholesome, there is something new around every corner.

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But within this cast variety of critters are some beasts that should not be trifled with: they could give even Voldemort a run for his money. The Ministry of Magic has a classification system in place for all magical beasts, and the following are all a part of the deadliest class, "XXXXX" — extremely dangerous and lethal. This list contains everything from savage, bloodthirsty beats to inhuman beings infused with the Dark Arts. Watch your step, watch your back: basically, watch everything.

10 Horned Serpent

Horned Serpent in Harry Potter

Found throughout the world, Horned Serpents are usually found in North America. Horned Serpents dwelled in bodies of water and got their name because of their horned heads. These serpents give off a low, melodic note that signals danger. Its horn shavings can be utilized as wand cores. The most sought-after component of the species is its gemstone: a few American species have jewels on their foreheads, which are rumored to provide powers of flight and invisibility.

It has been said that if you ever meet one eye to eye, they have a look that is so fierce it is guaranteed to send a chill down your spine. Still, this didn't stop potion makers from hunting the Western Europe groups of serpents to extinction for their magical properties.

9 Lethifolds

Lethifold in Harry Potter

The Lethifold, or a Living Shroud, is a terrifying and ravenous magical creature. Because of its incredibly aggressive and vicious nature, it is regarded as a Dark creature. The Lethifold is a black cloak-like covering about half an inch thick; however, if the creature had just digested a victim, it would appear slightly thicker. It attacks at night while its prey sleeps, smothering them before devouring them.

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Flavius Belby is the only known survivor of a Lethifold attack. He discovered that the only way to protect oneself against a Lethifold was by using the Patronus Charm. The Stunning Spell, or the Impediment Jinx, would not work.

8 Chimaeras

Chimaera in Harry Potter

Native to Greece, the Chimarea is known to be a highly vicious magical beast. Chimaeras are fierce, murderous creatures with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail. The Ministry of Magic categorizes Chimaeras as XXXXX (extremely dangerous and lethal) and their eggs as Class A Non-Tradeable Materials because of their savagery.

If you need any more proof that they are not to be screwed with, there has only ever been one wizard to defeat a Chimaera in history, and the winner eventually passed away from fatigue. Even if you win a fight against a Chimaera, you still can lose.

7 Nundus

Nundu in Harry Potter

The Nundu is a huge magical animal from East Africa that looks similar to a leopard. Despite its "gigantic" size, it travels silently, and some people believed it to be the most dangerous animal alive. The toxic and disease-filled breath of the Nundu is so potent that it can obliterate entire villages of people. The Nundu is extremely challenging to control. It has never before been vanquished by less than about 100 wizards working together.

A young Nundu was transported to London from Africa by a wizard thief by the name of Eldon Elsrickle in the early 1600s to guard his hoard of treasure. Eventually, the beast became enormous and lethal, killing the thief. Even from birth, these creatures cannot be truly tamed.

6 Wampuses

Wampus in Harry Potter

The Wampus cat is native to the Appalachian Mountains and resembles the common mountain lion or cougar in size and appearance. However, what's not so common about it is that it can evade arrows, has six legs, can stand on its hind legs, and is said to have hypnotic yellow eyes and possess the power of Legilimency.

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The Wampus cat is swift, powerful, and nearly unkillable. Drinking Wampus cat tears could cause a person to quickly lose memory due to the tears' potent degenerative effects. It is these powers that warrant the rating of XXXXX.

5 Acromantulas

Acromantula in Harry Potter

First spotted in 1794, the Acromantula is a giant magical spider species with a particular taste for human flesh. Acromantulas had a leg span that may reach fifteen feet, eight black eyes (white if blind), and were frequently coated in dense black hair. They were roughly the size of a carthorse on average. However, older ones like Aragog (Hagrid's pet spider) might reach a leg span of 15 feet.

The Basilisk was every spider's worst enemy, including Acromantulas. Like how wizards perceived Lord Voldemort, it was so terrifying that they dared not even mention it. Due to its deadly glare and the fact that spiders have several eyes and a very wide field of vision, the Basilisk was their biggest threat.

4 Dragons

Dragon in Harry Potter

Dragons are enormous, fire-breathing reptile creatures with wings. They can be found worldwide and are awesome in the classic definition of the word. They are among the most deadly and challenging creatures to hide in the wizarding realm due to their ability to fly and spew fire via their mouths and nostrils. Wizards and witches are drawn to almost every part of Dragons that possesses magical characteristics, from the dragon's heart to its dung.

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The Hungarian Horntail, which Harry faced off against in the Triwizard Tournament, the Norwegian Ridgeback, which Hagrid acquired from Quirrell in Philosopher's Stone, and the Ukrainian Ironbelly, which was kept to guard the vaults in Gringotts Wizarding Bank, were among the ten recognized dragon breeds. A few seasoned wizards are required to control the dragons because they are so resistant to stunning spells.

3 Dementor

Dementor in Harry Potter

Professor Remus Lupin describes Dementors as follows: "Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them... You will be left with nothing but the worst experiences of your life, and you will just be an empty shell that lost its soul."

The Dementor's kiss, which enables them to take a person's very soul from their body, is their most devastating power. It is frequently believed that receiving a Dementor's kiss is a fate worse than death because losing one's soul is among the most dreadful experiences a person can go through.

2 Werewolves

Werewolf in Harry Potter

A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, is a beast that ordinarily resembles a human but transformed into an unpredictable, dangerous wolf when the full moon is fully risen. While in human form, the werewolf could be just as good or kind as the next person. As in the case of Fenrir Greyback, who attempted to bite and maim a man and kept his nails honed into claw-like points for the purpose, they might also be dangerous when human.

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The majority of wizarding society regarded werewolves with disdain and loathing. People believed that the werewolf may be dangerous even in human form. People who were werewolves were frequently shunned by society and subjected to prejudice in the wizarding community.

1 Basilisks

Basilisk in Harry Potter

Also known as the King of Serpents, the Basilisk is a giant snake that is usually bred by Dark wizards. To breed a basilisk, one can accomplish this by hatching a chicken egg beneath a toad. It's an odd ritual but results in the most dangerous creature being born.

Direct eye contact with a basilisk resulted in a quick death, although an indirect stare would only cause the victim to become petrified. The Basilisk was categorized as an XXXXX creature, which meant that because of its incredible powers, it was a well-known wizard killer and couldn't be domesticated. A Parselmouth, however, someone who can speak to snakes, might be able to communicate with the Basilisk and subdue the creature.

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