Last week, Matt posted a number of Toy Story 3 interviews.  While you might have thought we were done covering Toy Story 3, I also did a few interviews at Pixar and now that a lot of you have seen the movie, I thought you might like to see them.

The one you're about to watch is with producer Darla K. Anderson (pictured on left) and what's great about to interview is the way we talked about the behind the scenes stuff at Pixar.  After all, while most of us have heard a tremendous amount about how Toy Story 3 was made, you might not know how Anderson got her job at Pixar and what's it really like being a producer on an animated film.  Hit the jump to check it out:

Finally, while I would have loved to have used my HD camera, all I had was my Flip Mini, so that's why the interview looks the way it does.  Also, I was paired with someone from an international magazine, so when you hear someone else asking questions (we took turns), that's who it is.

Producer Darla K. Anderson Interview TOY STORY 3

  • Are woman still an exception in the animation world
  • How long ago did she first get involved in Toy Story 3 and is it true that in the last year that everything comes together?
  • 2:20 - Where is the line in the sand that they can't make anymore changes to the film
  • 3:40 - Are the Toy Story films any extra special to Pixar or are they all the same
  • 5:10 - How did she get a job at Pixar
  • 6:45 - What are the hours being a Pixar producer (says 9am to 7pm on average)
  • 8:05 - While the animators focus on one film, does she work on more than one at a time
  • 9:15 - Toy Story 3 Easter Eggs
  • 10:50 - Are all the Pixar movies in the same universe?
  • 11:30 - Lots of changes have been done in animation over the last 15 years, does she think the next 15 will bring as many
  • 12:50 - Is she on Twitter?
  • 13:55 - Is Pixar annoyed that other animation studios might "borrow" from Pixar
