This season on Review, Forrest has been through a lot. He was shot by a gun and by a bow and arrow, buried alive, witnessed an FBI shootout, and saw his father’s house burn down twice. Naturally, there are plenty of things to be learned from Forrest’s reviews and his mistakes, as you’ll see below. To see how it all ends, be sure to check out the Review Season 2 finale tonight at ‪10 p.m. on Comedy Central.

1. Beware of hidden weapons.

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Be it a man at an ATM you’ve punched for no good reason, or a murderer you intended to murder, changed your mind, but then murdered anyway, concealed weapons may cause the situation to escalate beyond what you had predicted. Also as a side-note: pillowcases make a great hiding place for weights.

2. Don’t perform acts of archery in an enclosed space.

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As Forrest painfully learned when he entrusted his father to re-enact a “William Tell” scenario on him, shooting off arrows in an office is just going to end poorly for you, your co-workers, and your budget for litigation. Just ask Lucille…or her lawyer.

3. Friends and family may betray you, but imaginary friends never will.

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Though Forrest’s father gave up on him after the murder charge, and Grant has proven to care more about the show than Forrest’s well-being for awhile now, Forrest’s imaginary friend Clovers was loyal and true. In fact, he carried that loyalty and brotherly love all the way to his prison grave …

4. Getting into a cult is easy, leaving one can be deadly.

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Forrest found followers easily enough when he started a cult, rebuffing all of those warnings of “rivers of blood.” But, after some time, those warnings turned out to be true, as Forrest’s power-usurping girlfriend Mrs. Greenfield fired off an RPG and destroyed his father’s house, before she herself was killed in an FBI shootout.

5. Always have a safe word.

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When Forrest asked Josh and Tina to set him up for a crime — and made them assure him that they would not listen to his later protestations — Forrest forgot to set up a safe word just in case Josh and Tina did something horrible that needed to be reversed. Which of course is what happened. (Although it all worked out in the end … for everybody except Tina’s roommate.)

6. When you bury people alive, don’t forget where you put them.

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It’s essential when burying someone alive that you mark the spot or drop a pin in your GPS — that is, if you plan on digging them back up later. And if you are the person being buried, make sure to bring a cell phone antenna extender.

7. Your work shouldn’t be more important than your personal life, though it can be entertaining for others.

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Forrest has given up a lot for the sake of the show, including his relationship with his ex-wife and son, two girlfriends, two of his father’s houses, his ex-father-in-law’s life, and his peace of mind after murdering someone. Though as Grant has reassured him, it does make for great television. For that, we thank him.