Serial killers are bad but loving pet owners are great, so it’s hard not to fall for Ryan Reynolds’ character in his new movie, The Voices. Reynolds leads as Jerry, a nice and extremely upbeat guy just looking to fit in and make friends at work. However, back at home, Jerry’s extremely unhinged and can’t stop talking to his pets, Bosco and Mr. Whiskers. And it’s not just the cutesy baby talk we all might be a little guilty of. Mr. Whiskers is an abusive jerk who tries to convince Jerry to do terrible things.

With The Voices making its way into theaters and hitting VOD on February 6th, I got the opportunity to sit down with Reynolds to talk about the process of making the film. Check out what he had to say about his own pets, how they shot the scenes with the real cat and dog, how Reynolds wound up voicing Bosco and Mr. Whiskers himself and loads more. He also touched on the Deadpool movie and working on Tarsem Singh’s latest, Selfless. Catch it all in the video interview below.


Ryan Reynolds:

  • 00:00 - On being a pet owner and if that helped him while working on this movie.
  • 00:40 - How they filmed the dog and the cat on set.
  • 01:25 - On coming up with the voices for Mr. Whiskers and Bosco.
  • 02:22 - Does he give his own dogs voices now?
  • 02:40 - What this movie means to pet owners.
  • 03:09 - Who did Jerry talk to before getting Mr. Whiskers and Bosco?
  • 03:38 - How did they shoot Jerry’s beheaded victims?
  • 04:23 - Shooting the two versions of Jerry’s apartment.
  • 05:26 - On shooting the film out of order and tracking the character.
  • 06:55 - What he’s doing to prep for Deadpool.
  • 07:27 - Why Tim Miller is the right director for the film.
  • 08:06 - Will Deadpool go for an R rating?
  • 08:19 - Working on Tarsem Singh’s Selfless.
