The Doctor Who 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor was simulcast in over 200 countries today, creating a nice opportunity to air teasers for other fine British productions.  Naturally, there was a 10-second promo for the Doctor Who Christmas special which promised "Silence Will Fall" and a visit to the planet Trenzalore.  There were also slightly longer 30-second promos for Sherlock season 3 and Orphan Black season 2. Given where the previous season left off, the Sherlock clip opens on a tombstone that reads "Sherlock Holmes" before reassuring fans with the hashtag #sherlocklives.  The Orphan Black clip reveals the April 19, 2014 premiere date, then retreats as a distraught Tatiana Maslany stalks toward the camera.

Sherlock returns to PBS January 19.  Peter Capaldi will be fully revealed as the new Doctor on December 25.  Watch the teasers after the jump.



Doctor Who


Orphan Black

