Remember theme parks? I mean, vaguely, right? Well, the newest episode of Saturday Night Live utilized the incredible comedic talents of first-time host Dan Levy to deliver a sweet boost of nostalgia for something as prosaic as the Universal Studios tram tour.

Taking place in a post-pandemic world (based on the opening lines), the sketch below features Mikey Day as a seasoned guide Universal Studios tram operator, leading a golf cart of tourists around the Universal backlot to see how the "movie magic" gets made. By the laws of sketch comedy, though, things are complicated by the fact that Day has a new trainee whose enthusiasm for the job is matched only by his love of saying the worst thing possible.

"Thoby"'s stories get sillier and more personal as the sketch progresses, but he does take the time to share a very popular (and disturbing) Back to the Future fan theory, and share some important information about Wayne Knight in Jurassic Park.

By the way, if we're going to get nitpicky — while the NBC social team refers to this as being the Universal Studios Orlando tram tour, according to eagle-eyed Universal Studios expert Chris Hayner, there is no actual tram tour in Orlando, just Hollywood. (In fairness, the tram seats are appropriately labeled as being in Hollywood.)

Nitpicking aside, this was easily one of the funniest sketches of the night, showcasing Levy's talents for comedy and (for anyone who's enjoyed the Universal Studios tram tour before) bringing back fond memories of better times. Watch the sketch below — Saturday Night Live will be back on February 13 with Regina King.