About two years ago, I wrote about a very cool screening I got to attend: an 85-minute version of the three Star Wars prequels that was cut together by Topher Grace.  As I said at the time, "while you may think there is no way to make the three films work as one coherent movie, Grace accomplished it with only a few minor flaws.  His combined prequel trilogy moves quickly and omits huge chucks of story in favor of action and streamlining the narrative events of the prequels.  Gone are the politics, General Grievous, Jar Jar Binks (except for one shot), the clone army, and about 99% of the first movie."

When I first wrote about it, the one question everyone kept asking was, "how can I see it?"  The unfortunate answer was never.  At the time, Grace said it was a one-time screening and he sounded very adamant about his decision.  However, maybe time and constantly being asked about it has started to change his mind, because Grace has just released a trailer for his cut of the films and you can watch it after the jump.

Watch the trailer below.  I'm really hoping Grace decides to show his cut at the some point in the future (like Comic-Con) because I think fans would get a kick out of seeing what he did with the films.

For a lot more on what Grace did with his edit, click here for my original article.  You can also watch the video blog I recorded after the screening with Peter fromSlashfilm, Alex from First Showing and director Kyle Newman (Fanboys) below the trailer.  We discussed what we thought about the movie, and at a certain point, Newman and I had a rather lively debate about the prequels.

Finally, Grace recently launched a website called cerealprize.  It's worth checking out.