2019 has been a lot of weird things, but among the weirder trends -- quite a year for clowns! IT: Chapter Two and Joker both dominated the box office, and while the same can't be said for Clown, it's another creepy clown movie in the mix. Eat your heart out Pagliacci -- well, not literally, that's more of a Pennywise news. The creepy clown show continues with a documentary spin in Wrinkles the Clown, the new documentary about the viral mystery clown who offers "behavioral services" to shape up misbehaving kids. You know, but scaring the shit out of them and probably giving them a new phobia.

The Wrinkles the Clown craze kicked off back in 2014, when a video surfaced online of a man in a clown costume creeping out from under a sleeping kids bed, with a description noting Wrinkles was hired by the parents to scare their misbehavin' kid. Before long, folks started filming themselves calling the clown and he became a bonafide internet sensation. Now, he's got his own documentary, charting Wrinkles' rise to internet fame, late-night circuitry and maybe even some credit for those 2016 clown sightings.  Wrinkles the Clown debuted at Fantastic Fest and is now in theaters, check out the clip below.

Here's the official synopsis for Wrinkles the Clown:

In late 2014, a low-res video of a person in a clown mask emerging from underneath a sleeping child's bed appears on YouTube. The description below the video claims that the clown is named "Wrinkles," that he lives in southwest Florida, and that he's been hired by the child's parents to frighten her for misbehaving. The video goes viral. Soon, more mysterious videos of Wrinkles scaring children appear online, along with a phone number to hire him for "behavioral services." Wrinkles becomes internet lore - a whole genre of YouTube videos of kids filming themselves calling him appears online, and over a million messages are left at the number. Voicemails range from disturbing to hilarious to terrifying: parents use the number to terrify their children, kids who are obsessive fans of creepy clowns reach out to make a new friend, children threaten to inflict wildly creative violence if he comes anywhere near them. But who is Wrinkles, and why is he doing this? With incredible access to the mastermind behind the mask, Wrinkles the Clown is a cryptic and playful exploration of these questions, as well as an inside look at myth-building and the unpredictable spread of imagination in the Internet age.